As If Everything Else Wasn’t Enough

I went to sleep early, I was beat (and not in the fun way).

Pulling myself out of bed I stumbled to the bathroom, shower and slowly wake up.

As I dry myself off, the fog of the hot shower fades away and I see it:


Yep…I’m spoiled on so very many levels.


Aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww 🙂

I want to say “Ur doing it wrong” but somehow I don’t think you’d care.

Thats really sweet. It’s obvious she loves you. That reminds me of the little notes my mom used to write on my napkins in my lunchbox when I was a kid.

Thats awesome! 🙂


Thank you for sharing your love story. 🙂

Well Tom, she likes to take care of her property:)

After all, if I don’t eat, how am I going to have the strength to clean for her, run her errands and……….all the other fun stuff?

Hmmph. Yeah, I agree, but it somehow seems that you’re still doing *something * wrong.

There is nothing wrong with affection in a D/s relationship. Love makes control sweeter and just beause your man is submisisve doesn’t make the heat generated by love any less.

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Doing it wrong? | Kink UnleashedNovember 4, 2009 at 12:04 am

[…] made me think about this today is Tom’s humorous response to Unspeakable Axe’s latest post. Because according to the hardcore FLR advocates out there, a real dominant woman certainly […]