
KinkForAll: The Presentations I Won’t Be Doing


Don’t forget KinkForAll is this Sunday the 8th here in sunny New York City. You need to sign up! Go…Click the link now!

I have it on good authority that all the cool kids will be there.   

There are more than 70 people signed up to attend, It looks like there will be presentations on topics that you may not find at other events.

I was debating on doing a presentation but after running my list of possible topics past a few friends, I’ve decided to just help out.

Presentations topics that my friends rejected for KinkForAll:

-Smurf-tastic: Why talking like a Smurf during sex turns women off.

-“Can I lick know..down there?” and other failed pick-up lines.

-I triple-dog-dare the women from the Victoria’s Secret catalog to have sex with me. Note: Presentation only open to women in the CURRENT catalog, there’s simply not enough space at the event for every woman who’s ever been in the catalog.

-A partial list of women I’ve slept with in previous lives: 1683-1750

-A partial list of women I’ve slept with in previous lives: The Industrial Revolution: How inventing the steam engine got me laid.

-A partial list of women I’ve slept with in previous lives: The Civil War years


-A partial list of women I’ve slept with in previous lives: How Beatlemania resulted in a dry spell.

-A partial list of women I hope to sleep with in this life. Note: If you’re a woman and go to my presentation, I’ll assume you’re only going because you hope to be on the list and you’ll be automatically added to the list.

-Things I think about that aren’t sex-related. Note: This presentation will focus mainly on Apple Computer products. For the presentation on Battlestar Galactica, please see the following presentation.

-Battlestar Galactica: How I want to be double-teamed by a six and an eight.

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So there you have it. After months of research, printing out the flyers, calling the booking department of both Victoria’s Secret and the Sifi Channel as well as buying time on the History Channel, I’ve been urged by my friends to not present any of these. I’m sure the other presentations will be very good despite their lack of references to my sex life.

Hope to see you there!

Strap-On Broadway

I’m not much for plays. Maybe I’m too much of a country rube to enjoy them but unless a friend is performing in the play I really don’t enjoy them.

I saw “August: Osage County” this past year. It won the Tony for best play of 2008. After seeing it I think that means the rest of the plays in 2008 must have been pretty damn shitty.

There is one play this weekend that I may reconsider my personal ban on all things theatrical. It’s a play about strap-ons.

“Peg-Ass-Us” will be playing this weekend and this weekend only (or so it seems) at The Brick Theater in Brooklyn. Tickets and more information here.

The show is described: “A tale of boy-meets-girl, but the whole involves much more than the sum of their parts! In a no-holes-barred sexploration of pegging, these lovers sing, dance and tease along the delicious line between fetish/preference, queer/straight, wrong and oh-so right…


“A charming duo, set out to spread the word about the pleasures of prostate stimulation and strap-on sex. They start with the facts, but once in the deep end their personal differences play tug-of-war with the lesson plan, pulling sex from silly to serious, between kink and dignity, and wrangling over issues of gender, sexual identity and personal desires. Armed with original songs, dance, puppetry, drag, physical comedy and audience participation, the two lovers turn their bedroom and hearts inside out for the world to see. And take off their clothes.”

I’m really debating on going. I can’t make the Friday show but the Sunday show may be possible if I were to skip out on another kink event. Hell maybe I’ll just wait outside the theater to take the names of the women coming out.

Yeah, that wouldn’t be creepy at all.

Kink For All NYC

There’s now a time and place for Kink For All.   

March 8th at the LBGT center in sunny NYC.

It’s free but you really really should sign up on the website.

I’m so very excited about this event. More than any event in the past. It’ll be filled with information, great people, interesting presenters and most importantly it’s free…oh I mean most importantly you’ll be surrounded by the bestest and kinkiestest people in the galaxy.

I’m still not sure what/if I should do a presentation on but no matter what I’ll be lending a hand and bringing some food (I promise not to cook it).

Maybe I’ll do a presentation on how not to fold a fitted sheet. I swear the last time I tried to fold one it felt like I was trying to diffuse a bomb.

Random Stuff For The New Year

Just a few random thoughts to throw your way.

-I’ve added a mini-banner to ClubFEM NYC on the left-hand side. I once wrote about my first experience going to one of their parties here. They have probably the biggest munch in NYC and their parties are memorable to say the least. I’m planning on going to more munches and more parties again this year (I need to get over the shyness of showing my bare ass in public) and hope to see you there.

-I’m running a bit low on Found Femdom images in the media. If you come upon any, feel free to email them to me. My address can be found on the right hand side in my Facebook profile link.

-My back is getting a bit better every day. Thanks to everyone who’s emailed advice and concern. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know you care. Or maybe that’s just the Vicodin.

-You may notice that I’ve been sounding considerably less desperate lately. That’s due to my being less desperate. While I’ve been having a number of new experiences lately it’s hard for me to post about them for some reason. I have a few unfinished drafts yet they remain that way until I can finish processing them. I will say that I’ve got a rope burn on my wrist that’s been there for a few weeks now, my mouth and other parts have been put to good use a few times, not to mention having had a tender bottom on more than one occasion.

-My tax return will be here in less than a month. It won’t be much but I keep having an internal fight over what I should do with the cash.

Pay off some debt? Or maybe use the money to get almost half-way to saving up for….


…a Macbook Pro.

Fuck it’s so tempting.

What do do what to do??

This is where being in a Female led relationship would come in handy. She could simply tell me the smart thing to do would be to pay off deb but nooooooo I need to be single right now and deal with temptation. I don’t do well with temptation.

A friend suggested I put up a donate button on the blog but I don’t feel comfortable doing that. Plus, if i did, every post would be about how I need people to donate so I can get my Mac fetish fix. This blog would become the kinky version of an NPR pledge drive.

Big News And Even Bigger News!

There’s big news and even bigger news.

Over Eileen and Maymay’s blogs, I learned that they had a great idea for a new event here in NYC:


If you have already heard about KinkForAll through the grapevine, then please consider this email a reminder. If you haven’t, then please take a minute to scan this message. You’re receiving this message because someone trusts you to read it with an open mind. Smile! 🙂


What: A no-limits sex-positive gender and sexuality unconference.
Why: To inspire a creative, interactive and open environment where everyone feels comfortable talking, learning, and being inspired by all kinds of sexuality.
When: March, 2009 (exact date yet to be determined)
Where: NYC (We’re still looking for a venue! Can you help? See ‘Get Involved,’ below!)
Who: Everyone
How much: Free (as in beer as well as freedom)


KinkForAll is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people of the kink, queer, sex-positive and related communities to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, presentations, and interaction from all participants. (It is inspired by the BarCamp community.)

ANYONE WITH SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE OR WITH THE DESIRE TO LEARN IS WELCOME AND INVITED TO JOIN. When you attend, be prepared to share with others. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.

A KinkForAll is a special kind of gathering because there are no spectators, only participants. Attendees must give a talk or a presentation, help with one, or otherwise volunteer/contribute in some way to support the event. This is called sharing and we like it. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen—there are no pre-scheduled presentations or keynote addresses. The people present at the event will select the presentations they want to see.

Anyone can present, on any topic related to sexuality. You do not necessarily have to teach a new skill or idea. You might share an experience, review a product, or read a poem. The goal is to start a discussion, make connections, and exchange knowledge. Presentations promoting specific commercial products or companies are discouraged.

Learn more about what to expect at

Learn more about the event guidelines at

Get Involved

We need your help in spreading the word. Please help by participating. Here’s how:

1. Get excited by reading the ideas on
2. Add your name or handle to the list of participants
3. Join the mailing list and introduce yourself by emailing

If you have access to a venue, or know someone who has access to a venue, please email the mailing list with that information.

Still have questions? Read the Frequently Asked Questions at

or email for more details.

KinkForAll Online

Participate online before the event at your favorite social networking web site.


All primary organizational efforts are being coordinated via the mailing list. Join for free and help turn ideas into realities!

That’s the big news. What’s the bigger news? It immediately struck me that this would mean they would both be coming back to NYC.

See, Eileen had mentioned wanting to beat/torture me before leaving the country about a year ago but left town before it could happen.

I sent her a quick message asking if this meant she’d be coming back to NYC.

The answer was yes. The next thing she mentioned was that she wanted to play with me when she came to town.

Stop the press!