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Just got home from dinner and checking the news and can’t tell you how happy this makes me. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted him to win until I saw that he almost has it sealed. Fingers still crossed though!
Fuck yeah, I second that.
Finally a President who doesn’t care what I do in my bedroom.
Congratulations! You have already managed to change a lot about the United States just by electing Obama! And yes, Europeans have been following this breathlessly.
I have been bubbling over with joy since 9:00 last night; this is truly a momentous time for Americans, and for the first time in 8 years I am truly proud of this country. 🙂
For the first time I wish I was American so I could’ve voted for him. Instead I hurrahed. I didn’t even watch our election coverage but I watched this one.
I screamed, I shouted, I jumped up and down like I’d lost my damn mind … all because I have! So excited for January 2009!!!
I wept big, fat tears of joy.
That Shepard Fairey poster of Obama at the top of this blog entry is fantastic, as is all of his work! If you go to moveon.org, you can get a FREE Shep Fairey sticker that is postcard size, just for asking. Here’s the link: http://pol.moveon.org/shepstickers/?id=-6759975-COZcVzx&rc=
And oh yes, FUCK YEAH!!!!
Despite being in the UK, my sub sent me the following text the morning we found out Obama had won.
“Epic win! Fuck McCain! The hope-train is coming…choo choo… i’m kinda woozy x”
He’s cute like that!