bdsm in mainstream media

Found Fem…something or other. Miley’s Tongue Tied

A short film of Miley Cyrus doing something or other.

I always wonder when I see a famous person doing a kink scene.  Are they doing it because they’re waving their kink flag proudly or are they doing it because some think it’s shocking and will get people talking.  Also I wonder how many people start it for shock value and end up thinking “wow there’s something here that’s really getting me gong, I gotta google this stuff..let’s see let’s search for Submissive Man blog…oh wow this Unspeakable Axe guy sounds so fucking hot,…aw damn he’s owned and married, she’s so lucky. Well if you can’t have the best then there’s no reason to try it, back to my vanilla life”.

That’s probably what happens.

Anyway here’s the thing with the stuff.

Found….something. Tongue Lashing

This image has been making it’s way across the web for the last couple of weeks.  Originally reported to be a Dominos pizza ad campaign, it turned out it was submitted (no pun intended…in fact just mentioning that no pun was intended makes me feel lame) by an ad agency but rejected..thankfully.  Still didn’t keep it from making its way around.  At first I thought “why do they have a pair of balls without the rest of the person..ooooooooooooh”

bad dominos ad campaign

Duke Of Burgundy, A Review

Duke Of Burgundy posterSade and a few friends went and saw the film which I assumed would be an eye-roller. Turns out it’s actually pretty good…or “not bad” as some put it.

Sade’s brief review:

“Our group of people were all in the lifestyle with D/s relationships of our own so I can’t speak for the other quiet patrons of the film, but we found it pretty damn funny at many points (Several times FillInTheBlank and I found ourselves laughing loudly and alone).   We thought it was clever, beautifully filmed and acted (I particularly loved the director’s use of reflections), it was poignant, and sweet and terribly sad. You see this relationship that clearly began with a lot of communication and enjoyment from both parties, but when we come in all we see is a fetishistic ‘Do-me sub’ who micromanages the Top’s every move, pushing for her own desires blindly, to the point of her loving Mistress’ breakdown. Obviously all BDSM relationships are complex, and certainly this relationship is that. We as the viewers are only privy to a short window in time that was, for anyone kinky watching, not the loving couple’s finest moment. We witness them discover for themselves how much indulgence in fantasy is too much, but I did feel like their struggles were genuine and realistic. I wasn’t offended by anything in the film or anything. And really, the only reason I noticed the lack of male actors was because the fact had been pointed out to me and so I was ‘looking’ for their missing forms whenever the main characters were in public (certainly the essence of man was not entirely eradicated from the film). I definitely think people should see the film, and if they can- to see it in the theater for the group affect. I was moved by it and will certainly be watching it again.”

Found Femdom: Wonder Woman


Yet another find by a fine reader.

I wish I knew what issue this was from, it would help in knowing the context. Now that I think of it, it’s probably better not knowing the context.

Found Femdom: Open Minded

Once again thanks to Aarkey for sending more Found Femdom my way.

This comes from photographer Gui Paganini in a set called Open Minded

Now I know I’m going to get an email from someone saying it’s not 100% “Femdom” because there are some images where there isn’t a woman in a dominant position.  As you may guess I don’t put that much thought into it.