I’m in trouble.
Just a little over 3 months from now Sade and I are getting married.
That’s not the trouble part.
The closer we get the more overwhelmed with emotion I get. You see I’m really a softie…really..a hopeless romantic. Sade actually makes me swoon. Really…physically swoon. Swoon!
Stop reading now unless you can stomach some serious cheese. I recognize that.
So why am I in trouble?
We’re writing our own vows.
This is trouble in two forms. The first is that I don’t have the words to explain how I feel. There aren’t words. Maybe in some strange alien language. Maybe it’s “Gleep Glorp” from the planet Fremutron 5 in the Dacor sector.
The other problem is, whenever I think about what to say, I get choked up. Misty eyed and emotional. I imagine standing next to her on our wedding day and I lose it.
So I’m completely stuck. Every time I try and think of the words I get emotional.
Lately I’ve been hearing this song in my mind when I think of it.
Yeah…see? How the fuck do I write vows when I can barely hold it together when I picture it in my mind?
Fuck fuck fuck
If I was a wealthy guy I’d do it this way:
I’d say..”Sade, I can best sum up my vows…in a song. Please welcome Mr Stevie Wonder!”
I’ll buy a lottery ticket just in case.
Meanwhile I’m racking my brain. How do you write wedding vows. How in the hell can I be expected to evoke the words that summarize how I feel about being her husband?
Step one is to overcome the emotion…then I can work on step two.