October 14, 2008
Found Femdom ·
Found Femdom, Friends ·
Well, it’s pretty clear that most believe the new Spears video isn’t Found Femdom after all.
Allow me to replace it with some real Found Femdom from multiple sources.
Bulldog Gin has a new ad campaign. I would have totally missed it if it had not been for someone I drool over pointing it out to me.

Mistress Eiliza sent me a doubleshot of Found Femdom, one was the website of an upcoming film.

C’mon, Bitchslap? The movie?? I suggest you check out the website to enjoy it to it’s biggest potential.
She also sent along this shot:

Here’s a close-up:

I hope this makes up for the subpar Found Femdom video.
October 14, 2008
Found Femdom ·
Found Femdom ·
Yeah I know, cut me some slack here. I was a good debate among friends that ended up needing to be taken online for you to settle.
The question is, is this video Found Femdom or not.
I say it…hmmm….Yeah I’m not sure.
I’m not sure if I could ever actually submit to Britney. Part of me would be constantly reminded of her ex. I’d be thinking to myself “Wait a sec, didn’t you marry and fuck a guy with the I.Q. of a jello mold? Ok, an empty jello mold?”
Maybe we can give her the benefit of the doubt and she’s embracing her inner domme?
October 5, 2008
Found Femdom ·
Found Femdom ·
Mariella sent me a link to the following images and said: “Saw it and immediately thought of you! Looks like the fashion world is calling for submissive men en mass, after all. Best start honing your Blue Steel, doll! “
Why am I such a leg guy?
Dear Lord. I know that I don’t believe in you normally but you can prove me wrong by using your powers to have this woman appear next to me with the same lustful desire that she appears to have in these images. If you do exist then pretty please with a cherry on top let me be in this guys position for a few hours.
Any time you’re ready oh most powerful one.
No? How ’bout now.
Ok. Nnnnnnoooowww.
Well that settles it ladies and germs. There is no god.
These images do however prove there is a devil.

September 29, 2008
Found Femdom ·
femdom, Found, Found Femdom ·
More images that are only Femdom if you look at it from the right perspective.
Is the guy carrying her away or is she making him do all the work? I didn’t even consider the former to be an option until a friend pointed out that it could be looked at that way.
Either way he doesn’t look too happy with the situation.
Speaking of modeling, I’ve been approached by three different people this past week who’ve asked if I’d model for everything from fetish clothing to Femdom porn. I don’t think I’d look very good on the catwalk much less on a computer screen. I’ve told everyone that I’ll think about it and I’ll only consider it if my face is covered. Initially I thought it might be a good way to make some extra cash until I learned that male models in the kink industry don’t get paid a dime.

September 21, 2008
Found Femdom ·
femdom, Found, Found Femdom ·
Thanks to Lilly for sending me this one.
I’m guessing they’re selling…Shoes?
Someone suggested that these Found Femdom images make me seem like I’m objectifying women. Funny since what turns me on about them is that the women are objectifying men. Does that mean I objectify women who objectify men?
I’d like to point out that for the pas few months every single one of the Found Femdom images I’ve posted have been emailed to me by women.
Ok that probably doesn’t let me out of the doghouse with many of you who think I’m kinda piggish for posting these. Any thoughts on how to even the score? Maybe a “Found malesub” feature?
Tell you what, if it makes you feel any better, objectify me all you want. There, are we even now?