Found Femdom: W Magazine

Two friends sent me links this week. Tilda sent me this and Lolita sent me this.

With friends like these on the lookout for Found Femdom, the search for new stuff is easy.

All from the pages of W Magazine:

“Lara Stone brings the headmistress fantasy to life for Steven Klein’s camera in the latest issue of W, playing a sullen schoolmaster who oversees her crew-cut charges in structured ’40s-style skirt suits, treaded Prada boots, and vintage-style lingerie.”


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Holy smokes – now those are some wicked red boots! Me want!

And me also want the stable of sharply dressed, vaguely Dr. Spoc-ish boys. >:)

I like this Steven Klein editorial. I feel like at times he uses fetish/SM themes in a haphazard, unthinking way (his editorial in the W July with Bruce Willis is a good example of this)…but in this editorial the fetish elements give the photos a narrative and seem integral instead of tacked on.

Can’t find a way to email you, so I’ll send you this link via the comments here. I thought it was hot.


Helenjoy’s link is exactly the one I’ve been meaning to find and send to you.

I love that commercial.

So much.

Pretty good images, but where are the buff hairy guys?!!?