The difference between men and women on Fetlife.

I hadn’t logged into Fetlife in a week or so.

I log in an feel horrible since I apparently have left a few people hanging without a reply.

Me: Holy crap I have three unread emails on Fetlife!

Sade: Ha!…”three”

How to have a kinky wedding…without having a kinky wedding

Sade and I have been busting our balls lately. She’s been deep in her class work and I’ve been working my day job followed by my night job and managing the podcast.

In what little spare time we have we’ve been planning our wedding. One issue we’ve come upon is how we can incorporate aspects of our D/s relationship without most of the guests knowing that we’re incorporating aspects of our D/s relationship.

Out of all of our guests who are planning to attend, I’d say about half of them are vanilla and have no clue about this other side to our relationship and frankly we’d like to keep it that way.

So we’ve been toying with ways on how we can be kinky while seeming to be vanilla.

One thought is that we can say our vows and at the end briefly whisper something to each other that only the other can hear. Another thought is to have the person officiating the wedding (who’s in the lifestyle) say something in another language knowing that none of our guests speak it.

That’s all we’ve come up with so far but we’re entertaining other ideas on how to secretly kinkily our ceremony.

Calling All Pervs

I have a pretty standard way I manage interviews for the Masocast. Every three months I do a big block of interviews usually enough to cover the next three months. I make a few exceptions if a guest is only available outside my interview block or something else comes up like if a guest is only in town for a few days.
I mention it because I’ll be doing another block of interviews in December and I’m looking for interesting guests. I have a few lined up already but if I can squeeze a few more in it will help me hit the ground running in 2014.

Even after over 120 interviews there are tons of areas I haven’t covered on the podcast. I’m reminded of this when someone sends me an interview suggestion and I end up face-palming wondering why I didn’t think of that.

Some of the most common interviews people request:

Porn Stars
Cross dressers
More LBGT guests
Triads (I assume they mean three people in a relationship and not the Chinese organized crime syndicate).

I’ve had some variations of the most requested types on the show but people are always interested in hearing more.  Though I’ve never had a pornstar on the show. I’ve interviewed one but I’m guessing she was uncomfortable with it going live so it sits on the shelf for now.

Another I’ll add to the list is a religious person. I’ve been a bit pushy with my atheism on the show lately and I’d love to get a devout fill-in-the-blank kinky person on the show get their perspective.

Booking guests on the show can be a bit tricky when it’s someone I don’t know personally. Whenever someone requests a woman on the show and I don’t know her it can be a little awkward if they’ve never heard of the Masocast. I used to send a polite and professional email giving the potential guest a background on the show and a general idea of what we’d talk about but I think it came across more like “Hey lady, wanna come over to my place and talk about sex?” Now that I can point to Sade and say “Look! See? I have no interesting in boning you because she and I are together…we cool”? Still it comes across as awkward.

So that brings me to the point of this post. I’m always looking for more interesting people to talk to and topics to focus on so I welcome interviewees and your guest and topic ideas


There are a number of interesting characters in our neighborhood.  Today I had a brief encounter with one in our bodega.

Odd woman: Hey, is you’re name Harold?

Me: Ummm nope sorry.

Odd woman: You look like Harold.

Me: Nope..sorry.

Odd woman: I gave Harold head once.

Long awkward pause

Me as deadpan as I can: Harold’s a lucky man.

Odd woman goes to give me a high-five and I leave her hanging as I walk out.

128 Episodes And I’m Still Learning

iris1I still can’t get over the fact that I’ve done 128 episodes of The Masocast and I’m still finding areas of BDSM I’ve never imagined.

For example this latest episode I talk with irisenchanted (name lowercase by her request) and she talks about “lifting and carrying” a kink that revolves around..well..lifting and carrying people. Just carrying. Not lifting and fucking. Just lifting.

Another she mentions is the kink of bubblegum bubbles. People getting off on watching women with bubblegum, and there’s nuance to those as well. Does the bubble pop? Is it clean or messy?  Fascinating.

Sometimes I’m jealous of people who have such a specific kink that gets them off. I’ve heard foot fetishists describe such detailed nuance of arches and little-toe to big-toe ratios that I sometimes wonder if knowing such detail of what turns you on makes it much easier to get your rocks off or that much harder since your tastes are so specific.

I never thought I had a fetish specifically other than submission and bondage in general but Sade has recently come up with a theory.

More on that later.