Found Femdom: Dance Off

Thank to Aarkey for passing along this Found Femdom find.

The caption reads:

Once upon a dance. A fearless instructor and her devoted pupil Jeté, Plié and Fouetté through the history of modern movement.

I have no idea what any of that means.

Updates And Stuff

I’ve been busting my hump lately working on a bunch of extra freelance work. I have a regular day job but to help make ends meet I do the nerdy side jobs when I can.

But in my spare time I’ve been working on some of my own projects, most of those projects are designed to help me get more freelance work so….wait..I’m spending my limited free time working on websites so I can find more people to make websites for so I can have less free time? I just read that as I was typing it and now I’m wondering what the hell I’m doing!

Anyway I did manage to find some of that spare time and try out a redesign for the Masocast site. Take a look and let me know what you think or offer up some suggestions on how to improve the site.

One of the biggest requests I’ve had was to implement better tags on episodes so now I’m slowly going through each episode and tagging them based on topic. That’s going to take some serious time though.

Also I’ve kicked off this year’s fundraiser to keep the show going for another year.  If you’ve got a couple of spare bucks then your support is always appreciated.

Speaking of the Masocast, the latest episode is with my friend Evermore where she talks about the good and bad parts of dating someone with a fetish. Not a “fetish” but a real fetish. Interesting stuff I’ve never considered before. Plus she’s hilarious.

On a related note I’m always looking for more people to interview.  If you have any suggestions on who you’d like to hear on the show (or you’d like to hear yourself) then drop me a line.

Sade during a conversation about suction-cup dildos

Well let’s put a dick on the wall and find out.

Found Femdom At The Met

The intrepid blog reader Leah shot me an email with some Found Femdom she stumbled upon:

“I was at the Met the other day and stumbled across this awesome statue of Aristotle and Phyllis engaging in what looks a lot like pony play:


According to the description, “Aristotle, the Greek philosopher and tutor of Alexander the Great, allowed himself to be humiliated by the seductive Phyllis as a lesson to the young ruler, who had succumbed to her wiles and neglected the affairs of state. Encouraging Alexander to witness his folly, Aristotle explained that if he, an old man, could be so easily deceived, the potential consequences for a young man were even more perilous.”

I’m reading this as “Ancient Greek humiliation kink”.”


Happy Anniversary

It’s been a busy last few weeks.

  • I got mugged on my way to work.
  • I finished one website for a client and started on another.
  • Sade started school again after a far-too-short summer break.
  • At my day job another friend/coworker was fired (I really really really need to look for a new job).

Yesterday was a big day. The anniversary of our first date.

So how did we celebrate?

I wish I could say I took Sade to a nice dinner out on the town or that we did something special.

Instead it was our typical busy weekend. Just like the busy weekdays but instead of going to work I spent more time doing my freelance work and cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry.

We both felt bad for not doing something to mark the occasion.

I felt especially bad. Our first date was the first indication that she was interested in more than just casual play. She wanted to see if she liked me as a person in a vanilla context and not just for kinky sex.

I remember how nervous I was, I kept reminding myself not to get “all submissive” as one friend put it.

I took her to go geocaching (link) before we caught a movie (Inglorious Bastards). Halfway through I remember thinking “fuck, why did I pick one of the nerdiest activities one can do on a date.”. Surprisingly she loved it. Enough to warrant a second date and a third and now we’re getting married in June.

So for our anniversary date we didn’t do anything special.

Instead of a fancy dinner I bought her some Skittles and coconut water.

She smiled and kissed me.

So I guess it was pretty special after all.