De-Kinkifying Our Apartment

De-Kinkifying Our Apartment

When we have vanilla guests or a maintenance worker coming over there are a number of steps we take to temporarily and slightly de-kink our apartment.

  • Remove strap on harness from mannequin.
  • Cover painting Sade made of a friend of ours with her slave.
  • Put away any sex toys that have been set out to dry after cleaning
  • Put away whips or floggers that might be hanging from the coat rack.
  • Put toy bag in the closet
  • Close bedroom door (it would be impossible to hide everything in there)

That usually covers the obvious stuff. There are plenty of things left over if someone were to look closely enough.


  • That red painting on the wall was made from erectile blood
  • Naked polaroids on the wall are from a threesome we had with a friend.
  • The mannequin still has ankle cuffs on.
  • Taschen coffe-table books have a surpassingly high number of naked people in them.
  • Giant semi-naked photos of us on the wall taken by our friend Natasha Gornik (blatant namedropping)

There’s plenty more I’m sure but our more vanilla friends haven’t mentioned anything to us (perhaps they’re scared to?) to indicate they find any of it odd.

Found Femdom: Cover Of the Rolling Stone

A reader sent this image in but neither she nor I could find if it was actual cover of Rolling Stone or not.  Granted I only spent a few minutes googling but eventually we just said “Fuck it” and figured it was a good addition to Found Femdom wether it was real or not.

rollingstone Found Femdom

How I Wake Sade

During the week I leave for work before Sade wakes up, on the weekends though I get the pleasure of waking her up every day.

I’m usually up several hours before her so waking her up usually involves sneaking into the bedroom, quietly stripping off my clothes and sliding next to her on the bed.

What happens next is up to her. Usually she’s laying on her stomach I’ll start by gently kissing and nibbling her back and working my way down to her toes, working my way back up to the small of her back and tracing my tongue around her ass giving her a very slow rim job and then sliding my tongue further down until I can just barely lick her clit.

If for some reason she stays on her stomach then I’ll slowly lick from her clit to the small of her back and back again a few times before I slowly slide into her.

Usually she’ll wake up enough to roll over and I’ll be able to go down on her until she comes or until she indicates that she wants to fuck. By this time I’ve been up several hours before her and have been thinking about us fucking the entire time I’ve been awake so while she’s just waking up to sex, I’ve been thinking about it all morning and have had hours to get worked up about it.

The number of g-spot orgasms she wants will vary from morning to morning. Sometimes she’s done after a couple of orgasms and other times I’m begging her to let me orgasm after she’s had seven.

When we’re both finished she’ll look at me with a warm smile and say something like “mmmmmmmm good morning”.

I’ll sigh and offer her my hand to help her up while we go shower together and I ask her what she wants for breakfast.

It’s weekend mornings like these that make weekday mornings so hard.

Found Femdom: Leather Top

A reader sent in more Found Femdom with this note:

Xevi Muntane lenses ‘Leather Top’ for Ponystep Fall Winter 2011/12, styled by Phoebe Arnold

Blowjob Lessons

Ok this is going to sound like a scene out of a porn movie. I still can’t believe it happened much less to myself.

So Sade and a friend were taking one night and her friend confides in her that she’s thinking of dating a guy after taking a break from men and seeing mostly women. One thing she’s concerned about is how her oral skills have held up since she’s out of practice.

Sade, being the kind friend she is, offers my cock (or rather her cock) to practice on.

Blowjob lessons.

I still remember the haze of disbelief I was in after Sade informed me this friend of her’s would be practicing her oral skills on me. I immediately became hard..and nervous. Sade hadn’t let me orgasm in days and I didn’t know how I would be able to hold back.

It wasn’t long before I was naked and on my back while Sade slowly gave instructions on teasing, nibbling, biting using her tongue grabbing my nipples and everything else that goes along with her technique.

It’s still such a blur but I remember a few things:

-Sade ordering me not to come without permission
-Nipples being pinched and pulled
-Sade’s friend smiling when she saw how I reacted to different stimuli.
-Balls being pulled.
-Sade’s friend sucking so hard my eyes were rolling into the back of my head.
-Sade asking me to describe our latest sexual adventures to her friend while she toyed with me and how I could barely think much less talk. She asked me again and again and the most I could get out was a “mmbblllaahhhhhhhuuhhhhhh” sound before I could form the words “I can’t think right now”.

Days later we were told her lessons worked great on her next date.

This is one of many many many memories with Sade that will creep up on me in the most inconvenient of locations and force me to desperately try and hide an obvious erection.

Coincidentally Sade and I are starting a band call The Obvious Erections.