Sade Threatens Me

Every now and then Sade will threaten to make me orgasm without permission. She’ll usually say this after a long play session involving teasing edging and general torment.

Last night was another one of those nights.

After what felt like hours of teasing, pulling twisting and fucking me she finally let me orgasm. I know there were a few times where she was really hoping I would without permission.

It’s so hard not to sometimes but in all the years we’ve been together I don’t think I ever came without permission. It takes a lot of deep breathing exercises, biting my lip (or like last night my bicep) so the pain overcomes the pleasure.

Afterwards she said “Someday I’ll make you come without permission so I can punish you for it”.

I can’t imagine what that will entail but it scares the crap out of me. She’s had me in tears with desire for release in the past. What would happen if she kept going for hours long past the tears? Would I go insane? Would my desire to orgasm overwhelm my desire to please her? (Catch 22 I know since I know she wants me to come without permission and that would please her but at the same time if she were to order me to come without permission that means she permitted it and therefore I’d actually be coming without permission…with permission?? )

Now I’m wondering what she could possibly do to push me over the edge. I’ve somehow managed to use breathing and other tricks to hold back.

She’s never mentioned what the punishment would be for it…crap I didn’t even think about that until I typed it just now.

Found Femdom: Cavewoman Edition

Yep, you know just as well as I do that nothing drives a woman wilder than a white shirt.




Porn Talk With The Doctor on The Masocast

Anna B VolkDr. Anna B Volk sat down with me to talk porn, stereotypes of Brazilians, girl-crushes and a bunch more on the latest Masocast.

She writes about porn and tweets here @AnnaBVolk



…I need to remind myself I’m not dreaming.

..we’ll be cuddling early in the morning and I want to wake her up just so she can feel how amazing it is. I don’t though, because I value my life.

..she looks at a woman and points out how much fun it would be for Sade to fuck her while my cock is in her mouth.

…her understanding and patience with me make me feel like an asshole because I probably wouldn’t have any for me if I was her.

..after I wake her up with oral and sex I wish she’d go back to sleep so I could wake her up again.

…she calls me an animal when we’re having sex and I have to remind myself that she means it in a good way.

…the hardest thing to do is to stop myself from having an orgasm when she’s having one.

…her laugh sends shivers up my spine.

…she’ll say something dirty just as I’m thinking the same thing.

Mollena Williams is now on the Masocast

MollenaWilliamsMollena Williams sat down in front of the Masocast mic recently and we had a blast talking about how she became International Ms Leather, why the kink scene is so white, race play, how to approach her to play, Prince and a bunch more.

Refresh your podcast player or head on over to to listen to her episode.  I can’t wait to have her back on the show.

Find her online at and on twitter @Mollena