Happy Fucking Friday

We are both sleeping, spooning and the universe is perfect.

I have a case of very early morning wood and because of the tight spooning it wakes her up.

Normally when she sleep-fucks me she rides and I’m such a heavy sleeper that I can completely sleep through it all or if I’m lucky I’ll wake with a vague memory.

This time she’s the little spoon and I fuck unconsciously until the pleasure wakes me up and I start to fuck in earnest.

I had no idea if I woke up late for work or if it was a long time before. Usually I’m the one who wakes her up for early weekday sex.

After she’s thoroughly roused and satisfied she lets me cum and we lay there for a moment before heading off to the shower. Passing the clock I see its 5:30.

Sade: You could go jogging.

Me:Perfect, I can sleep for a couple of minutes then go for a run before work.

Sade:If you cuddle and sleep now there’s no way you’ll wake up early enough to go for a run.

“I’ll show her” I think to myself as we spoon and drift off together.

Of course I woke up late with only seconds to spare before needing to head to work.

Worth it

Found Femdom: Cara Delevingne

This one was sent in by Aarkey. This image comes from a write-up in the Daily Mail about a new ad campaign for shoes or something or other. 


From the article

That’s an interesting way to sell shoes! Cara Delevingne channels her inner dominatrix as she poses with Karl Lagerfeld in studded leather and racy corsets for footwear brand

I had no idea who Karl Lagerfeld was before I saw this.  I’ve seen him on ads here and there and always assumed he was one of the albino twins from the Matrix movies trying to pick up some extra cash.

Now and then someone will ask me what the most common feature in a Found Femdom image.  It’s hard to pin down but I’d say it usually comes down to the look in the eyes.



A new Masocast is live!

For some reason I stopped cross-promoting the podcast here on the blog. Not sure why, either out of laziness or just too much to do at once.

The latest Masocast is now live.

Stephen Elliott is back (listen to his first episode here) with Mistress Alex. We talk about his experience directing his first film About Cherry that took place inse2Kink.com’s Armory, what it’s like being “that guy”, his book Happy Baby and a ton more.


Find Stephen online at Stephenelliott.com on twitter @S___Elliott, find Mistress Alex at mistressalexnyc.com on twitter @MistressAlexNYC.


Find his film About Cherry here



Found Femdom: Aline Weber By Paola Kudacki For 25 Magazine

Thanks to faithful reader Nicole who sent me a these images.

Here’s what she had to say about them:

I’m not sure it counts as femdom, there’s enough of a reversal of usual fashion shoot norms to suggest it: the woman is confident-looking and fully clothed, surrounded by nude or mostly nude men. There’s nothing overt, but she just looks to me as though she knows they’re all hers.


The pain rushes in and it forces my arms to lift my body off the ground, my feet tied wide and barely touching the floor.

She wants to hear me growl and I know I’m almost there. It’s not something I can just turn on though, it’s a place she needs to take me to. Playing in public makes it harder and easier to go there. Harder because I know others are watching but easier because I know the neighbors won’t hear. It’s a wash really and it doesn’t matter because I don’t have a choice.

Again and again she hits me and I’m at the point where time stops and all there is is pain My head feels warm and I don’t think this pain will ever stop and I’m not sure if I want it do.

There’s nothing for me to think about when she takes me here, my brain stops thinking of five thousand things at once like it usually does, it stops thinking entirely and I just exist.

For a moment she’s gone and changes implements. It gives me time to catch my breath. I wonder if anyone is watching us and I catch a glimpse of a guy out of my left eye, I turn my head away from him and she continues.

For a brief moment she stops everything to kiss me. It’s such a dramatic change from the passion of the pain to something more physically carnal. Then she goes back to beating me. I can feel a tear welling up. It’s not the pain but the dramatic change between the kiss and the pain and back to a kiss again. I don’t know how to process it and I can feel myself whimper.

I’m close to breaking completely and she stops. She strokes my back and it burns. She lets me down and I fall to the floor on my knees in front of her. She stands and holds my head close to her. I feel the warmth of her legs and I love her so much.