Found Femdom: Equinox


This one was sent in by the ever-awesome Miss Troy Orleans.  She writes:

Because I’m so literal minded, this one was an easy pick. Even though I’m not sure what’s so femdom about it … well, I guess the CFNM and that she’s riding him, sorta. And probably wearing AP lingerie, which is, like, the dominotrix uniform… plus the fact they’re depicting something that would be profoundly awkward and uncomfortable to do in real life … I guess that makes it (commercial) femdom.

Full disclosure: I’m an Equinox member. The truest thing about this ad is that people who look like this actually work out there. No furry carpets though. On the floors. Or the women, come to think of it.


Four Years Ago

It was four years ago that really met Sade. I say “really” met because our paths had crossed here and there and I was too intimidated to say anything more than a quick greeting at best. Maybe I just waved and that was it.

We were at a birthday party for a mutual friend. I still remember seeing her when I walked in. Thankfully I arrived with my best friend who had a way of striking up conversations with new people. I remember being nervous while talking to her, attempting to cover up my awkwardness as best as I could. I remember making her laugh and how it sent a chill up my spine.

I remember trying not to make it look obvious that I was intimidated by her. Intimidated by her mohawk, her smile, her voice and how she could somehow pull off having the appearance of a badass and be so easy to talk to at the same time. How she seemed to personify my dirtiest daydreams while just talking about the most everyday things.

Perhaps it was easier for me to be around her because she was there with a date. I didn’t think I had a chance with her so I wasn’t risking anything by just being myself.

I don’t remember everything we talked about. The night is a total blur. I remember when a few people started playing my friend and I got up and decided to leave. As we were walking out the door her date (a dominant himself) came up to me and asked why we were leaving. I said something about needing to go to work or some lame excuse for me to leave so I didn’t feel awkward when everyone started playing and I stood around. Then her date said something I’ll never forget.

“Well you’re the only submissive guy here and Sade needs someone to play with.”

I had no clue what to say to that. I know I would have felt weird playing with her while her date watched but at the same time I really wanted to play with her. But what if I fell for her and there was nothing I could do about it because she was seeing this guy? At the same time I couldn’t just abandon my friend while she stood around and I played (I was the only one there who spoke her language). I sputtered and stammered and eventually decided to leave with my friend. It’s probably for the best that I did because I may have scared Sade off with excessive neediness after getting a taste of playing with her before she knew me enough to know the context of it. Hell I may have asked her to marry me right then and there.

So I left with my best friend and I thought that would be the end of it at best I thought we may become friends and I’d secretly pine for her.

Little did I know that one day I would eventually ask her to marry me.

Found Femdom: Dominate That PTA Bake Sale

I have no clue what they were thinking here but….here ya go.

Whole Lotta Fucking

She was fucking me, hard, and I was lost in another world. Sade was making the approving sounds she makes when she’s really getting into it.

“Yeeeeeeahhhh. Goooood boooy”

At that point all I could mutter was a few “Oh fucks” and “Oh Gods”.

Sade now has me at the point where she can fuck me hard and it doesn’t hurt in the least. Our eyes lock as she pounds me.

I’ve been so close to orgasm that I have no idea how it’s even possible that I can hold out any longer.

But I do.

I know she’s close to orgasm. She’s stroking me at the same time with my legs up in the air and every muscle tightens as I plead with my eyes because the words won’t come out. Finally she tells me to come when she does and she does.

Just a few days earlier I was on my stomach on the sub girl’s bed. The girl was on top of me grinding into my back while Sade took turns spanking us and encouraging us to grind harder and I could feel her dripping on my back.

Moments later I’m standing and the girl gets on all fours on the bed. Without being told I bury my tongue between her legs as Sade straps on her harness and looks at me with a smile. For a brief second I feel like I’ve been caught and I tell Sade I’m just getting the girl ready for her. Sade smiles approvingly.

The girl has her mouth on my cock while Sade fucks her from behind. Sade tells me to fuck the girl’s mouth and I grab a fist of her hair. Sade looks at me with lust and we kiss over the girl’s back.

I’m fucking Sade as the girl masturbates and touches us. I try to make sure I give the girl a good view of the fuck. Sade has come a few times and I almost need to beg to be allowed to give her just one more and she lets me.

The girl asks “Is it his turn to come yet?” and Sade says “Soon”.

I’m grateful.

Sade is fucking me while the girl sits on my face and sucks me. I’m overwhelmed. The pleasure center of my brain is conflicted between the cock in my ass, the mouth on my cock and the clit on my tongue.

The girl grinds herself deeper on my face and Sade fucks me harder. Sade fucks me while stroking me and the girl sucks harder.

I scream into the girl’s ass and I can hear Sade moaning with approval.

Sade After A Conversation About Wedding Planning

Us loving each other doesn’t cost anything.  Why does it cost us so much for others to love us loving each other?