
After her last orgasm she had enough and rolled me on my back and kisses me.

She grabs me by the base and starts to slowly squeeze me, I know what this means but I don’t feel like I’m close to an orgasm yet. She doesn’t care and begins to count down.


She picks up the pace a bit and works both of her hands all the way up and back down.


Our eyes lock and she knows she can make this happen even though I’ve been holding off for so long up until now.


Now there’s a smile in her eyes and my pulse quickens and our breathing becomes matched.


She’s moving faster now and is sitting back, positioning herself so it looks like my cock is coming out of her body instead of mine.


She squeazes and the muscles in my chest and stomach begin to tighten along with her grip.


She reaches down and grips my balls and gently yet firmly pulls down.


Her other hand is wrapped around me like a fist and in just a few short moments I go from feeling like I could go forever to desperation that I may go too soon.


She pauses her countdown as I wait to hear the words I need…


It’s all over for me as her relentless pace continues through the wave and I convulse…I try to say thank you but it probably just comes across as a jumbled moan.

As I slowly drift back I can still feel her working me.

“Good boy”

All These People Want To Suck My Cock

Note:  Sade made me use that for the blog title.

So Sade has decided she’d like a female submissive or switch to join us for some ongoing play. We’ve had a few encounters with a good friend but Sade would like something more frequent and clearly defined as a D/s relationship.

So she changed her Fetlife profile and we created a few profiles on various dating sites both kink and semi-vanilla.

She wrote the profile and it’s my job to weed through people, reply to emails, notify her of those who message us who she may be interested in and schedule meet-ups.

The profile she wrote is smart, funny and graphic at times. In the section where one writes reasons why people should contact she included this segment:

If discreet body mods/signs of ownership turn you on and if you are one who has fantasies of a woman tying her up, teasing her and making her suck cock ferociously while said male is being tormented and lovingly beaten before being forced into multiple orgasms herself. In other words if you’re looking for ongoing play with a great couple or think you might could be. If you’re adventurous, thorough, and dedicated. If you want to really explore what healthy and total Dominance and submission can mean.

Now I though this section would scare women away but it actually does two things:
1: It scares away women who aren’t turned on by it and therefore they shouldn’t contact us anyway.
2: It compels women who are turned on by it to email us.

Oh and it also compels lots of guys to email us too. Such emails as:

“Hey I’m not a girl but I am a sissy and would love to suck your boys cock”.

Well of course you are. Because when we say we want an attractive bisexual woman we actually mean a middle-aged guy in a maid outfit.

“Hey you’re hot, I’m not a girl but I’d love to join you two”.

Normally we’d say no but since you said we were hot we’ll make an exception.


“I know a submissive girl who would love to play with you but I’d need to be able to watch.”

You know what? I can’t tell you how many times Sade and I have been having sex and I’ve stopped her and said, “ just doesn’t feel right without some creepy guy jerking off in the corner”.

Whenever a guy emails us I usually reply with “You are the ugliest bisexual woman I’ve ever seen”. Or sometimes I just lay into them with mockery.

We haven’t played with anyone from the dating sites yet but it’s been a lot of fun meeting new people. It really amazes me too how many emails we get from women who are just looking to play and don’t want any kind of connection outside of the bedroom. It’s the opposite of what I was expecting. Here I thought the fact that we were looking for a connection in and out of the bedroom/dungeon would be a bonus for most but it turns out many are just looking to get laid.

Women…so typical.


Found Femdom: It’s All In The Eyes

Another advertising image from a reader.

I’m guessing they’re selling…shoes? Chairs? Swimming pools?


How I Proposed To Sade

I’ve had many people ask how I popped the question to Sade.   I’ve been debating on how many details I should give.  There’s just something about this act that I want to keep between Sade and I and our close friends.   I’d use the word “sacred” but I don’t usually use that word.

I will say this: I was on both of my knees instead of the more traditional one-kneed proposal.

We couldn’t be happier.

On a personal note I’d like to thank everyone who’s offered their congratulations and to everyone who has ever given me the encouragement and advice that has brought me where I am today.

Sade’s Answer When I Popped The Question This Weekend
