Sade, This Morning

Happy Friday, I want you to jerk off.

Sade, last night after an especially intense night in bed

Good luck blogging about that.

Trying To Suck On A Moving Target

“Lay on the bed and eat her out, I want to beat your ass.”

I could just leave this post at this point. Those words alone are hot enough.

Sade pointed to the girl on our bed who’s arms were cuffed and pulled to opposite sides of the bed. I lay face down with my face in her crotch. Normally I would have started slow but this wasn’t the beginning of our evening, this wouldn’t be foreplay. Sade had already fucked her and used a vibrator on her and I had used my hands on her.

Still, I naturally wanted to start slow before diving into her with my mouth. That’s how Sade preferred it and that’s how I’ve been doing it pretty much consistently over the past three years with her.

I maybe got one light kiss in on her labia before I felt Sade start in on me. The pain shot through me and I let out a moan and my lips and tongue went straight for the clit in front of me. This made the girl writhe and in doing so my mouth lost it’s target.

Again and again Sade wailed on my ass, striking it with her hand a number of times followed by an implement of some kind. It went from stingy to thuddy and back again. The whole time I was trying to focus on getting the girls clit back in my mouth so I could suck on it and flick it up and down with my tongue but it was either my actions or the vision of what Sade was doing to me that made her jolt her hips up again with a moan. I was lucky to have direct contact with her clit for more than 5 seconds before she’d wiggle it away from my mouth.

I moved my hands under the ass in front of me as gracefully as I could while Sade continued beating me (translation: I wasn’t graceful) then wrapped my forearms around her thighs and back again so my hands were touching my shoulders in an attempt to lock her legs in place so I could hold her down a bit better. This ended up being helpful since I usually like something to push against when Sade is beating me, it’s an outlet for the pain and since my muscles are usually tightening when she’s really pushing me, this would help me put that extra energy into something useful.

The girl wasn’t speaking in sentences anymore, all she could manage for the last hour were moans and a few “Oh fuck'”, “Oh Sade’s”, and “I’m gonna cum’s” but now she was just moans and “Oh’s” so I knew she wasn’t in any position to tell me wether she liked having her pussy sucked hard, soft or something in between. Come to think of it I was in no position to ask either.

This whole time I was torn three ways. I was trying to do a good job with my mouth, loving the pain Sade was administering and trying hard not to get lost in it and trying to ignore my deep urge to fuck. Every now and then Sade would stop to admire the marks on my ass, stroke my back and the marks on my skin and I’d get lost in what she was doing to me only to feel the girl jerk her hips up while I tried to maintain sucking while working her with my tongue. Then my body would scream to fuck and before I started humping the bed, Sade would resume with the pain.

After who-knows-how-long, Sade threw her implement of the moment on the floor and says the words I’ve been waiting for.

“Fuck me”



Couldn’t Hold Off

I think I’ve mentioned before how I’m such a heavy sleeper. Quite often Sade will fuck me (ride me) in my sleep and I’ll barley be awake enough to remember it.

Apparently my body is awake enough to react to her though. I’ll thrust up to match her rhythm until she gets off but other than that I’m usually too out of it to do anything else. I will remember small bits like aching for more when she pulls herself off of me and lays back down to fall into a post-orgasmic sleep but I’m usually not awake enough to do anything about it. Now and then I’ll wake up enough to extend things and with any luck she’ll let me come but for the most part I sleep through the whole thing.

I don’t know how often she does it but I’m guessing at least a few times per month.

Just a couple of nights ago she did it yet again but I didn’t realize it until much later. I woke up with a normal case of morning wood, at least I thought it was until it refused to go down. I took a colder shower than normal and that seemed to help but walking to work a few minutes later I found myself getting hard again and I wasn’t even thinking about anything sexual at the time.

I have an hour-long commute every morning. As usual I was spending the time working on the podcast but I kept getting distracted by how turned on I kept getting. That’s when the memory of the previous night came flooding back to me as it usually does. I’ll vaguely remember her going down on me for a few moments before sliding onto me, sometimes she’s got her hands on my chest, my stomach or as in last night, on a pillow over my head as I matched her thrusts in my semiconscious state.

All fucking day I was hard and when I got home she was off teaching a class for some newbie kinky couple and for one reason or another we were unable to fuck last night so when I woke up this morning with morning wood times a trillion while spooning with her I couldn’t help but try and initiate but unfortunately she had temporarily injured her back and wasn’t up for one of our Friday-Morning-Fucks.


So I was desperate and whispered in her ear something I’ve never asked her before:

“May I jerk off right now? Here or in the shower?”

She nodded yes but I realized she may just be dreaming and saying yes to whatever I was saying. I wanted to make sure she was actually letting me. I wanted to know she was consciously allowing me. At the same time I didn’t want to grab her by the shoulders and say “please please may I jerk off!”

I leaned in again and whispered “Are you sure? I can jerk off?”

She moaned again, smiled and said “yes”.

I kissed her and jumped in the shower and fifteen minutes later I was much more relaxed than when I walked in.

There was one catch, I wasn’t entirely sure she wasn’t dreaming when I asked her.

Fast forward to a few moments ago when I brought up the subject, told her what happened and she started laughing. It turns out she had no memory of me asking her to jerk off. Of course I immediately started to feel guilty as though I tricked the system or something but she assured me that, if nothing else, at least her subconscious wanted me to jerk off.


Could I Skull-Fuck?

One of Sade’s fantasies is for me to..well..not co-top with her as much as be an extension of herself when topping. Ok maybe that’s co-topping.

We have had some experiences together with a 3rd person in the mix with us. Some things came very naturally, like when I was sucking on sub-girl’s nipples while she was tied to our bed and Sade jumped on the other nipple and our eyes met. I parted my lips just a bit so Sade could see what I was doing with my tongue and my teeth. I saw a wicked smile flash in her eyes as she matched what I was doing. We were a team making this girl squirm and moan together. It was hot! I remember thinking at that moment “Are we co-toppping right now”? Ok I was thinking other things but I remember thinking it after.

It was fun and it was hot. I knew what she wanted to do and I was an extension of her overall play-plan. Sade had me do other hot things to her as well but the nipple thing, that was me. I actually initiated it. I had surprised myself. Most of the time I was co-subbing (also hot) but for a moment I think….maybe…I was co-topping…a bit.

There have been other instances with the sub-girl but I’m still working on those posts.

Somehow we got on the subject of skull-fucking…as it happens..and Sade mentioned that she didn’t think I could do it. I’ll admit I was slightly insulted, as though my masculinity was being called into question.

My initial thought was to say “Oh yeah? Call the sub-girl, have her come over and I’ll throw my cock down her throat right now.”

Before I said it I realized we may have different ideas on what skull-fucking actually is.

The internet seems to define it thusly:

skull-fuck (third-person singular simple present skull-fucks, present participle skull-fucking, simple past and past participle skull-fucked)
1: to actively penetrate someone’s mouth; to have vigorous oral sex
2: to penetrate someone’s eye socket

Now I’m 99% sure Sade was talking about the first entry there….ok 90% sure.

Still, I know Sade , I thought for a second and said “Wait, do you mean making someone gag and throw up because I’m doing it so hard?”

She confirmed it.

“Yeah I don’t think I could make someone throw up because of it. That might be a bit much.”

And that’s when she said the quote of the night: “At least I don’t need to worry about you getting all worked up and skull-fucking me.”

So all day today I’ve been wondering about it. Could I do if she had me horny enough? Or in deep enough sub-space after beating me so my mind was numb? Would hurting someone that much be an erection-killer for me?

As usual when I find a fantasy of Sade’s that may be a little more on the challenging side, I’ve been obsessing about it a little. I really want to be able to help make her desires come true.