Everyone Else Disappears

I’m writing this just moments after getting a good solid beating so bear that in mind.

There is a point when you are playing at a public party, a point where the world shifts and reality changes.  At first it’s a very small shift but then it widens to envelope everyone in the room but Sade and I.  It muffles them and makes them blurry while Sade becomes clearer to me.  Then there’s a different point. It’s just a little bit further but it’s where everyone in the room disappears.    A point where everyone else just fades away and Sade becomes the only person in the room.

Just another moment layer and that spot becomes bigger and she’s not just the only person in the room bit the only person in the universe.

For a moment it’s just us and there’s nothing better than that feeling.  For a moment there’s no work, no bills to pay or family members to worry about, politics to think about or anything in the universe but her.

It’s peaceful.

I’m sure anyone watching would disagree but it’s one of the few times when my mind isn’t thinking about anything. I don’t need to worry about waking the neighbors with my screams and she doesn’t need to bother them with loud cracks slaps and thuds.

It’s so peaceful, this place with her where there’s noting but us.

This Is What Happens When I fall Asleep

…before I finish my chores.

Yes, I’m a very deep sleeper.


I stapled my underwear shut

So Sade and I participated in the 11th annual no pants subway ride today.

If you have no idea what it is you can take a look here

Well I normally wear boxer briefs but figured they’d be too revealing (sorry ladies of NYC) so I opted for boxers.

The biggest problem with boxers is the cock-flap that opens up in the front.  Its far too easy for something to flop out and if I was going to be on the subway with Sade while she was standing around in her underwear, I knew I’d have a hard time not getting hard as it was.  So I ended up stapling the front flap shut just to be safe.

The whole point of the NPSR is to freak people out by showing up without pants on. You ride for a few stops, get off your train and jump on the very next one.   That way someone who’s not in on it will be watching

I was hoping to see some shocked reactions when we hopped onto our second train but as soon as we walked on it was clear that everyone was in on the joke.  The only person wearing pants in our subway car was a woman who wouldn’t stop giggling while snapping photos of everyone.

We switched trains and jumped on to a train headed downtown.  The station was filled with pants less new Yorkers and it was a bit hard to navigate.  Sade reached down between my legs, grabbed my cock over my boxers and  began to lead me through the sea of people.   She only did it a few times but it felt like much longer.   I immediately regretted not wearing my long coat.  Thankfully there were plenty of big, half naked, hairy guys standing around in their underwear and that acted as a instant erection-killer.





Watermelon Balls

Sade has been under the weather for the past few days.  As a result I’ve been spending more time than usual running to make tea, making soup and just generally being extra-super-attentive in hopes to helping nurse her back to her usual healthy self.

Tonight I reluctantly kept an appointment with a client about some possible web design work.  I felt bad about leaving her side but knew she’d be fine and I’d only be gone a few hours.

After an hour into my meeting (and a few drinks shoved down my throat by the client) Sade texted me asking for “watermellon halls” upon my return.   Reading that I could tell there was an autocorrect issue with her text message and once the meeting was over I began looking for watermelon balls to cure her unusual craving.  Hell she was sick and her body was telling her she needed watermelon.   Who was I to judge?

Have you ever looked for watermelon balls in January in NYC?   Nope…neither has anyone else.   I went from store to store looking for watermelon and after an hour I finally found a place selling watermelon. “Fuck it.  I’ll make my own balls”.

Finally making it home and proudly presenting her with my hunting and gathering skills, she smiled and explained that no, she actually wanted watermelon flavored Halls cough drops.

No typo, no mixup.  Just an hour of my assuming her phone made a mistake and in her sleepy-haze she didn’t fix it.

Only two days into 2012 and I’m already racking up some odd mistakes.     This is gonna be an interesting year.


A Year Of Sex With Mia

You may have heard my friend Mia on her kick-ass podcast, or you may have heard her on mine. If you’re like me you’ve wanted more and more of her adventures in the NYC scene. Well wait no more because she’s written a new book A Year Of Sex.

The book chronicles her adventures in the NYC sex party scene.

Originally I was going to include a few excerpts but instead I decided to simply include some of the chapter names:


And that’s not even half of the chapters.

I asked Mia a few questions I knew her fans would be wondering:

-So what made you decide to go from the podcast taking about your exploits to a book writing about them?

It was a slow and somewhat natural process. I started the podcast because I was interested in producing content in a new media format. And I thought I wouldn’t have much to lose if people didn’t like the podcast. Turns out people liked the podcast. So in time, it made sense to create a book to showcase the stories in long form rather than short form.

-Is it weird that I could read it and I’d still hear your voice? it’s like when I read David Sedaris books, I hear his voice in my head when I read it..but instead of him talking about being and Elf at Macy’s it’s you tailing about sex clubs. Oh shit what if when I’m reading your book I accidentally start reading it in David Sedariss voice?? Fuck! Ok any chance you’re going to make an audiobook version so I can read it in your voice too?

My book read by David Sedaris would be something else. I can hear him wincing each time he has to say “pussy” which in my book is a lot. I would love to do an audio book. But I would rather not self-produce it. So if I can get the interest of a willingly party to produce the audiobook, I’m all in. Any takers?

-There’s a lot from your experiences that could be positive lessons for people who are interested in non-monogomy or swinging. Are there any bits of advice you can offer someone wanting to start down the same path that you wish someone had told you before you started?

I did include some tips for entering into non-monogamy and swinging at the end of my book. I think the one that I had wish I had known is to set realistic expectations. Just because you are going to a sex party does not mean you will end up having sex. You may want to, but it may not work out for a variety of reasons.

-How hard was it to narrow down what experiences would make it in the book?

Narrowing down the experiences was to a certain extent easy. Basically this book is a smut book. So what got left out? All the details that aren’t related to sex and relationships in relation to sex. There is little about my work life, my friends, my family, etc. that I won’t bore your readers with that here.

-What’s the biggest difference between a creepy guy at a sex party and a sexy guy at a sex party?

Confidence and ability to read body language and signals.

-For a book about exciting sexual experiences in New York, there are surprisingly little mentions of me in this book. Have you been getting many complaints about that?

You know, I have. And the unfortunate thing is I can’t appease the audience because you and I have what is although a lovely friendship, not a steamy one. Except for that one time……

-Are you planing another book? Perhaps a more unspeakableaxe-centric one?

Actually this is a great idea. I would like to fancy myself a journalist and write about you and the lovely Sade.

It was so nice of Mia’s agents, handlers, management and personal security to let me have a few moments of her time to get those questions in.

She also has a whole chapter on “Sex Partying with Success”.

Just one of the many many tips: “As a general rule, don’t touch without asking first, unless suggestive eye contact has been made. In an orgy situation, you can’t always have the negotiation conver- sation about what is allowed, so start slow. Stroke the palm, arm, or head of the person you are looking to get involved with. Don’t go directly for their privates.”

And as an extra super bonus, you’ll get her “Sex Partying with Style: Mia’s Playlist”

The book is available on Nook, Kindle, Ibooks, you name it.

Pick it up here (you’ll also find a preview of the book).

What are you doing still reading this? Go get the book!