The Loss Of A Hero

Christopher Hitchens was a personal hero.

If you’re not familiar with his writing you should pick up his latest collection of essays. Hell you can even look though his old.  He wrote so much and I haven’t even come close to reading everything he did.  Maybe that’s why I don’t have a total sense of loss when I read moments ago that he finally succumbed to cancer.

His debate with Tony Blair is one of the most brilliant examples of how one can use wit to make a point.   It’s a thing of beauty.

I didn’t agree with everything.  He could come across as a pompous ass but even then I liked him when I was hating him.   His stance on the invasion of Iraq for one thing, but the bastard was so smart he almost made me question my pacifism.


He made me smarter. Or maybe he just made me sound smarter when I’d try and quote him.   I’ll leave you with a few of my favorites:

There is only one cure for world poverty that has ever been found or ever will and it’s very simple.  And it could be phrased very simply too.    It’s called the empowerment of women.  Go to Bangladesh or Bolivia – I have to ask you to hold your applause though I love you – go to Bangladesh or Bolivia, give women control over their reproduce cycle, throw in a handful of corn if you can, make them not just the beasts of burden and the beasts of childbearing that they’ve become and the floor will rise, it just will.  It never fails anywhere.  Against this one solution, the Catholic Church has set its face.  The efforts of the missionary Church in the Third World mean more people die, not less.  It’s as simple as that.  More famine, more disease, more ignorance, more random and avoidable death.

At another debate alongside his friend (And another hero of mine) Stephen Fry:

I say that homosexuality is not just a form of sex; it’s a form of love and it deserves our respect for that reason.  In fact, when my children were young, I’d have been proud to have Stephen [Fry] as their babysitter and I’d tell them they were lucky.  And if anyone came to my door as a babysitter wearing holy orders, I’d first call a cab and then the police.

And finally, on his beliefs in the face of death.


I will miss him.

Bent Over

She had me bent over, arms tied to bondage points above the door, legs spread wide and my body slightly straining to hold the position but not so much that it was too uncomfortable.

She started by gently stroking my back.  I don’t know if she realizes how much this act calms me.  Sometimes I get nervous at the beginning of play like this.  Years together and I can still feel nervous.  Mostly because I’m worried if I’ll please her, I’m worried that I may not be able to take it for as long as she wants.  I want to make her happy so badly that it messes with my head and psyches me out sometimes.   Her touch helps change that, it helps to remove the worry and turn it into what it should be, about lust and passion and sex and sensuality and about the fuck.

She takes me out of my head.

Sometimes it’s the way she grabs me, the position she puts me in or the way she pulls my head back by my hair.  It could be a smack of my ass or a deep kiss.  I don’t know exactly when it happens but it does.

It’s a matter of just letting go and living in the moment.

Found Femdom: Skyy Vodka

Yeah it’s been a while since I’ve featured any Found Femdom.  Either I’ve been too busy to notice any new Femdom in mainstream media or it’s now making a comeback.

Walking home the other night I spotted a new ad campaign for Skyy Vodka.  They even go as far to print “Kinky was here”.

Feel free to send me any Found Femdom you may have come across.


You Tolerate Me, You Really Really Tolerate Me

I’ve been focusing so much more on the podcast lately that I almost forgot that people still read this blog.

Imagine my surprise when I made it on the Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2011.  Once again I have no clue who voted but I’m honored to be among such great company.

You really should check out the list, I’ve found a few new great blogs to follow and I was able to catch up on a few I haven’t seen in a while.

Here’s the top 20:


  1. Guy New York (@quickiesnewyork) and The Dirty Gentleman from Quickies in New York
  2. Charlotte Times (@charlotte_times) from The Life and Charlotte Times
  3. Kendra Holliday (@TBK365 and @beautifulkind) from The Beautiful Kind
  4. Amie Wee (@crevicecanyon) from Crevice Canyon
  5. Riff Dog from Ashley and Me
  6. Catherine Toyooka (@Catcoaches) from Sex Spoken Here: Secrets of a Sexuality Educator
  7. Vineyard Road (@vineyardroad) from Vineyard Road
  8. David (@DavidinVegas) from A View from the Top
  9. Quizzical Pussy (@quizzicalpussy) from Quizzical Pussy
  10. Athol Kay from Married Man Sex Life
  11. Dick and Jane from Dick-n-Jane
  12. EA (@easilyaroused) from Easily Aroused
  13. Axe (@unspeakableaxe) from Unspeakable Axe
  14. Joan Price (@JoanPrice) from Naked at Our Age – Better Than I Ever Expected
  15. Oatmeal Girl (@oatmeal_girl) from Submission & Metaphor
  16. Dark Gracie (@darkgracie) from Dark Gracie
  17. Mistress Lilyana (@MistressLilyana) from Mistress Lilyana
  18. Kyle Jones (@butchtastickyle) from Butchtastic
  19. Cheeky Minx (@LoveHateSexCake) from Love Hate Sex Cake
  20. Adam from The Mind of a Married Man



Thanks, I needed that.

Thanks, I needed that

My schedule lately:
6:30am Shower, answer morning emails, pack my lunch whisper in Sade’s ear and then head off to work.
7:30am While in transit I answer more emails, do some work while editing the latest episode of the Masocast.
8:30am Get to work, grab a coffee, catch up on my dayjob emails work and work some more.
9:30am Log into our home Mac that I’ve connected to our home stereo system, turn on the speakers connected to the bedroom and play a wake-up song for Sade
Noon Break out my lunch and socialize with coworkers when I can, most of the time I’m working on one of my freelance projects over my lunch hour.
2:00 Work while taking a few breaks to text with Sade, daydream of dirty things and go back to work5:00pm Head home, work on freelance projects while in transit while editing the next episode of the podcast.
6:00pm Arrive at home and hug….a long lonnng hug.
7:00pm Work on one of my freelance projects until I go to bed at 1am.9:00pm Cook if it’s my turn.  Chill for a few minutes before heading back to work
9:30pm:Work until I go to bed at 1am (2am if I’m especially busy and Sade allows me to).Bedtime: Wash the dishes, bring Sade a glass of water, brush my teeth, workout if I have the energy and crash.
6:30am Repeat

This schedule has really run me down.  This last week I almost snapped and went insane around 10pm on Wednesday.  My nerves were shot.  I’d been running too hard too long with almost no breaks for anything.   She could tell I was fried.

Sade looked at me and said “You’re going to get a beating tonight.”

I panicked and asked what I did wrong.”Nothing” she smiled “you just need it”.

She was right.