Suspended, Fucked and Kissed

The spreader bar held my ankles, my wrists were attached to the center of the bar and I was slowly pulled up off the floor and into the air.

hmmm hard to describe actually.   Here, I found an image that seems to resemble the position at least somewhat:


I had always wondered if I could be put in this position comfortably.  It seemed like the ultimate erotic position, every inch stretched, exposed and vulnerable.

I had mentiond my desire to be put in this position once long ago but was told I was probably too tall for it to be comfortable, I was also told that most men weren’t flexible enough to pull it off.   Finally though I was in a situation where I could try it.

I was nervous at first but eventually that feeling faded away.   Sade spun me around a few times and it hit me how this was probably the most helpless position possible.   In most forms of bondage I can at least squirm or shake but not in this one, there was nothing for me to squirm or move against.

It all happened so fast and I was so completley lost in her that I barely remember the details.   I remember the rope around my balls.  I remember the only pain I could feel was the pain in my thumbs.  Maybe the wrist cuffs were designed for smaller hands, most of my weight was pressing against the backs of my thumbs but even that pain wasn’t nearly enough for me to want to stop.

I remember her hands scratching my ass and the backs of my thighs.  She slid into me.  First she used the rope around my balls to pull me back and forth onto her but eventually she just grabbed all of me.  At one point she did what I had wanted to do for so long but coulnd’t because of my position and she kissed me with the same passion I was feeling for her.

I didn’t want it to end but eventually it did. We weren’t playing in our usual dynamic due to others around us and the pain in my thumbs was becoming too much.

Soon though….

I’ve been looking for some good suspsnsion wrist cuffs.  If only there was a way to get a decent suspension unit in our apartment.



BDSM As Stress Relief

I’ve had a very stressful past couple of weeks.   A combination of family emergencies, work stress, and a feeling of spreading myself too thin with all of my obligations.

Often I’ll be at work and I’ll feel a pull to escape.  I’ll just want to be in the comfort of the tiny space that is our world when Sade and I are alone.  Wether we’re cuddled up watching Stephen Fry on the BBC, laughing our asses off at who knows what or doing something frisky.

It’s in those more stressful moments where I’ll feel a desire for more than cuddle time. I’ll feel the need to be taken.   Sometimes that need is to be bent over and fucked by her, sometimes it’s to be beaten until I collapse.  To lose myself in my submission to her.

It’s not just in the intimacy and the agression of it all.  It’s also a need to not be stuck in my own head, juggling a million things at once.  When she takes me, everything else dissolves away.

A few weeks ago she could tell I was overwhelemd with everything.  It was just after midnight, I was taking a break from some of my freelance work to wash the dishes and she looked at me and told me to get into the bedroom.

She knew I needed a release and after a good round of spanking, whacking, flogging and other torments, she ordered me to cry.

The release was exactly what I needed even though I didn’t know it beforehand.

I needed to cry, to have a break from the work and feel the closness of us, to let everything but us fade away for even a moment.

It not only helped with the stress of the night but the stresses of the coming days.

I’m still not certain how that works, but it does.

A Morning Memo From Her

I crawled out of bed just as the sun was coming up and stumbled to the shower.  She was still fast asleep but left me a note in the bathroom that displayed her plans for me when I got home from work:


Photo Apr 29 6 59 17 AM

Who Am I As A Submissive?

I was interviewing a friend for the podcast recently and she said something that threw me off a bit. She mentioned how it took her over a year for her to find out who she was as a dominant.

This sounded kind of odd to me. Not because it took her so long to find out who she was, but because I realized I didn’t know who I was as a submissive, or if I did I hadn’t thought about it enough to realize it.

Sure I know what I like. I like to please, I like to be objectified, I like to give orgasms and be forced to orgasm, I like bondage, I like being beaten, I like getting fucked just as much as I like to fuck…the list goes on.

The problem is that these are activities more than they are ways to identify oneself.

I guess I’ve been pretty lazy at analyzing myself.

About a week ago Sade took me to the bedroom and wanted to play before she fucked me and asked “What do you feel you need right now?”.

I didn’t really know how to answer. I new I was craving pain from her, a beating or something. I knew I was dying for her to fuck me but I could barely say it because it was hard for me to read her at that moment and know what she wanted.

What I really wanted to say was “Anything that will bring that wonderfully evil smile you get when you’re in top-space, wether that’s electrical play, tease and denial, fucking me, beating me..whatever..I just need to feel your top-space, I need to feel owned and objectified and used and loved and all of it”.

I knew if I had said it she would have made me pick something anyway so I think I just said “umm a beating would be nice if you’re feeling like you want to or…something”.

That wasn’t what she was really asking but the reason I didn’t know how to answer was because I didn’t really know the answer. I knew I was craving a beating but I was also craving a million other things. Above all I knew I’d be happy with whatever she wanted.

So I’m still wrestling with this question. Who am I as a submissive?

How do I even begin to answer that?

D/s Lifestyle Workshop May 28th-29th

My friends Eric Pride and Sir Sir Stephen are putting on another great event for those of you who are interested in either starting or enhancing a D/s relationship.

It’s a two-day event that is being offered at cost. Any profits will be donated to lifestyle organizations and causes.   It’ll be held in the ever-awesome Glint Studio (location sent upon registration), If you haven’t seen the Glint Studio yet you don’t know what you’re missing.

They’re packing a lot of information in just two days and there’s limited space so you really should get your tickets ASAP. Details below:

Creating and Living Positive BDSM and Kinky Lifestyle Relationships – A Special Weekend Workshop in New York City, May 28-29, 2011

This two-day workshop is for individuals, couples and families who identify with a kinky or BDSM lifestyle and desire to incorporate it into their daily lives – irrespective of gender identity, sexuality or kink interests. It is intended for anyone who wants to start a new relationship, take an existing one to the next level, or simply wants to learn more about alternative lifestyle relationships.
Major topics include:
  • Finding unique and exciting partners; establishing “strong-bond” relationship habits
  • Identifying the particular advantages/responsibilities that lead to the greatest likelihood of long-term success
  • Maintaining and deepening mutual interest in your current healthy lifestyle relationships using BDSM, sex, and kink
  • Utilizing effective communication tools and skills to address problem resolution, powerful emotions and other complicated BDSM-related concerns as they arise
The series culminates with a “without-a-safety-net” Q&A panel discussion featuring several proven lifestyle couples/families in various relationship structures. For detailed workshop schedule, see below.
Location sent upon registration (in New York City)
Saturday, May 28, from 10 AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday, May 29, from 10 AM to 3 PM
Participants are also invited to attend a private play party on Saturday evening from 7 PM
$95 (early registration discount – you need to register before May 1); $120 (from May 1). Class size is limited… early registration is strongly recommended.

To register click here

The registration fee includes meals (lunches and refreshments on Saturday and Sunday), detailed workshop handouts and workbooks, and the private play party on Saturday evening.
This workshop series is brought to New York City by Eric Pride (click for bio) and Sir Stephen (click for bio), both having their own unique lifestyle households. The event is hosted by GLINT Studio and NYC Kinky Living.
The workshop was first offered as a weekend series throughout October last year in New York City. It was well-attended and received great reviews by Time Out New York (click for article) and workshop participants:
“Within the same week of attending the class with my partner, I noticed many of our issues resolving in a non-confrontational manner…”
“After a very informative class, right at the end Sir Stephen made a final comment that was very insightful for me dealing with my “relationship status”. It was something I had been struggling to find the words for, but his knowledgeable point of view and real life practices made things fall into place.”
“I changed my weekend plans just so I could attend the next lecture!”
Workshop Schedule
Saturday (10A M – 5:30 PM)
  • Crucial First Steps: Creating Foundations for Healthy BDSM Lifestyle Relationships
  • Turning the “Magic Key”: Maintaining Healthy BDSM Lifestyle Relationships and Putting It All Together
  • Q&A
Sunday (10 AM – 3:00 PM)
  • Not Just Roses: Successful Problem Resolution in BDSM and Kinky Lifestyle Relationships
  • Panel Discussion: BDSM Lifestyle Couples Share Their Relationship Experiences
  • Q&A
Classes do not follow the traditional lecture style format. Instead, they are highly interactive and hands-on. Both days allow plenty of time for Q&A. Participants receive detailed course materials and workbooks.
For detailed descriptions of each topic see below.
Crucial First Steps: Establishing & Creating Foundations for Healthy BDSM Lifestyle RelationshipsThis class provides participants with practical information, skills and tools that contribute to establishing and creating BDSM lifestyle relationships with the greatest likelihood of long-term success. We will discuss topics such as:
  • How to begin a relationship (dating)
  • How to build a relationship in ways that will provide the greatest likelihood of long-term success
  • Identifying those elements which make lifestyle relationships unique
  • Distinctive advantages – and responsibilities – that accrue to lifestyle relationships
  • Basic safety issues of the lifestyle
Turning the “Magic Key”: Maintaining Healthy BDSM Lifestyle Relationships
How do we keep the “magic” in our relationships long-term? What tools are available to assist in the maintenance and deepening of healthy and productive lifestyle relationships? In this class we explore and examine techniques and tools that can be used to maintain successful lifestyle relationships over time. This class will cover topics such as:
  • Establishing and refining communication skills
  • How to further deepen our relationships
  • How to keep them fresh and interesting
  • How to fulfill our and our partner(s) sexual, BDSM and kinky needs
Not Just Roses: Successful Problem Resolution in BDSM and Kinky Lifestyle Relationships
How do our alternative relationships differ & compare to “vanilla” ones? Everyday relationships are hard enough to navigate, when you add kink into the mix, it can become more complicated.
This class examines the pitfalls (and solutions) that can occur in BDSM and other kinky relationships. We develop and discuss effective ways in which to address and resolve relationship problems, including topics such as:
  • Dealing with and addressing emotions
  • Steps to successful problem resolution
  • Common issues and problems in alternative and BDSM lifestyle relationships
  • Relationship “contracts”
  • Open, multilateral, and poly relationships
  • How to deal with jealousy
Whether you are currently in or desire to be in a relationship, this class can help you build and maintain happy and long-term bonds.
Panel Discussion: BDSM Lifestyle Couples Share Their Relationship Experiences
The panel discussion aims to explore, compare and contrast the BDSM lifestyle relationships such as Daddy/girl, Mommy/girl, Daddy/boy, D/s and M/s, poly and “weekend warriors”. It will be a unique opportunity to learn from the couples/families represented on the panel as they openly – and without safety net – share their experiences and talk about:
  • How they built and deepened their relationships
  • Their most useful tools for maintaining their relationships
  • Their kinks, BDSM and sexual interaction
  • How they worked their way through difficulties in their relationships
  • . . . and much more!