She wakes me up by grabbing my morning wood and says “If you get up now and turn off all of your alarms, I’ll let you jerk off and take care of this in the shower.”
Kinky Classes With Sade
Sade has been teaching quite a bit lately. Most of her classes lately are one-on-one lessons for couples and individuals who want a good intro to kink or who want to up their game and expand their skill-set.
Well she’s doing a special class on March 1st for a small group of people and if you or someone you know would like to join in on the action the details are below:
Sexy, Kinky, Safe, & Skilled
An intro class to BDSM and Kink
taught by Ms Sade Ami
$130/ per student
Advance registration required.
Purchase tickets at
This is a gentle introduction to bondage, discipline, sadomasochism, and fetishism for women who wish to pursue their desires in kink with confidence and skill. The class size is limited to 8 participants to ensure that your interests are addressed with thorough attention.
Topics include:
– Understanding your own dominance.
– Safety and preparation. Learn how to prepare for the scene you desire and how to play within reasonable limits for mental and physical well being.
– Risk Aware Consensual Kink and Safe, Sane, and Consensual.
– Negotiations and communicating with your partner. Learn how to honestly assess your own and your partner’s desires for mutual fulfillment, as well as to stay connected throughout the scene.
– Basics of safe bondage and light SM: simple rope bondage workshop and discussion/demonstration of light sensation play, what it means to “warm up” the body.
– Aftercare: how to decompress after play to ensure emotional and physical care.
Please be ready to discuss your interests and questions in an intimate setting with other women of like mind and to respect privacy and discretion. No cell phone use will be allowed during class. Class will be approximately 3 hours.
Inquiries can be made to:
Ms Sade Ami is a New York City based Mistress and Kink Educator, who provides private sessions and personalized tutorials. Classes use a hands on approach and are focused on a growing understanding of one’s own proclivities. Participants also learn the technical skills to conduct simple to elaborate play scenes safely and with growing ease.
Now THAT’S Self-Promotion
Sade was recently asked to write a bio for a friend’s website.
One thing both Sade and I have in common is the uncomfortable feeling that moves over us when we’re asked to write a bio.
For me it just feels egotistical to write a bio that will be used for promotional purposes. Every time I write one I think “Geez, I sound like a douche who’s only interested in self promotion”. Reading bios of people I know however seem perfectly natural and un-douchebaggie.
I was asked to write about myself recently and I replied with “Axe: A dude”.
They asked for more and I replied “Axe: A super cool kinky dude”.
They didn’t like that one either for some reason.
So I thought I’d write one for Sade since I know how uncomfortable it is to write one.
“Mistress Sade is a super foxy lifestyle and professional dominant and kink educator in New York City. One of her greatest enjoyments is showing people new ways to express themselves through BDSM. Everything from the most basic styles of play to more advanced techniques, Sade teaches singles, couples and even groups how to get in touch with their inner dominant. Sade offers a unique perspective and super foxy ways to be foxy in all her foxiness and foximilitude. Her super cool slave/sex machine Axe wrote this for her, thus proving she’s so busy teaching others that she doesn’t have time to proof-read her own bio.”
Too much?