Found Femdom

Found Femdom: Mini Cooper


When someone (please let me know if I can use your first name when submitting Found Femdom posts, I like to give credit) emailed me this link I had no idea I’d spend so much time checking out the features of a car. It’s Mini Canada’s Dominate Winter campaign.


Go ahead, click around the site. They come right out and say it. I’m wondering if they’re trying to appeal to submissive men or dominant women with this campaign.

When you click around the site you can choose the angle you want to see the car (assume the position) and click on various features of the Mini as the voiceover talks about kink just as much as the car itself. A few lines:


“A heated windshield helps avoid lots of scraping..unless of course you enjoy lots of scraping.”

“…and avoid whiplash, but not the good kind of whiplash”

“…think of it as, consensual cornering.”

“…and who doesn’t like rubber and friction”.

“..heated seats… please insert your own double entendre

“Sadly, it takes the kink out of icy roads.”

Meanwhile she walks around the car spanking it, flogging it and playing with the antenna as seductively as one can. To hell with puppy or pony play, I wanna be a mini cooper (no small penis jokes please).


Do you think campaigns like this help or hurt the BDSM lifestyle? On one hand it shows that being a dominant woman isn’t something to be ashamed of, quite the opposite. Would you rather have a busty cheerleader showing off the car or a woman who appears to be confident and knows what she wants?


Found Femdom: Artsy Stuff

I’ve been slacking on finding any new Found Femdom. I haven’t found any on my own in months. Meanwhile you fine readers have been coming up with everything. Fitting since I feel some of the most compelling stuff on this site are usually the comments.

Most of todays stuff comes from Lickorish, there’s no way I could post everything from this site, but here are a few samples someone sent me.

Any thoughts on a prize I could start giving away? I have no schwag to give but maybe I’ll have some tiny violins made.


If trampling was my kink, these would be spank material.



Found Femdom: Original Sin Cider

I was out at a bar with a friend Friday night and saw this image hanging above the ATM machine.


Just after taking the image some guy walked by me and said “That’s called ummmmmm .. Fetish”.

I searched online and found a whole series of them from Original Sin. So… Does that mean if i get a woman to drink this stuff she’ll be dominant? Oh magical elixir where have you been all my life!




Found Femdom: Shoes

Once again a reader came through and sent me another great example.

The caption reads: “Quel Sandal Women were born to walk in heels, others were destined to be walked on by them”.


I’ve never understood trampling. I’ve seen guys at events roll themselves in carpet or just lie on the floor next to the bar so women (ok, so anyone) will need to step on them in order to get their drink from the bar. Even the submissive women seem to enjoy stepping on a guy when they get their drinks. Would this image be considered a trampling orgy?

Even though I don’t “get it”, anyone can see how this would be hot, just look at those legs!

Found Femdom: Toes On Lips

This found femdom comes from someone I’m constantly drooling over. Just getting an email from her makes me whimper.

Once again I have no clue what they’re selling. Do they make sunglasses, nail polish or makes beverages but…fuck this image speaks volumes.
