Found Femdom

Found Femdom: Yaffa Cafe

I don’t know if this would be considered Femdom or not, but it sure looks like it.

The Yaffa Cafe in New York.

I know little to nothing about the place but saw this while walking by and couldn’t help but take a snap.


This beggs the question. Is it or isn’t it femdom?

Found Femdom: The Motherload

Wow, Mariah sent in a bunch of Found Femdom pics this week.

Be sure to check out her blog too please.

You can see the full versions in my flickr account, just click the little photo on the right sidebar.

The caption on the lower image says “If Britain were French…Foot and Mouth wouldn’t be a problem”.






Found Femdom: Superman

I stumbled upon this while browsing some blogs and found it on a blog by Mistress Medusa.


Why oh why did I read X-Men as a kid and not Superman? Clearly I was missing out.

Found Femdom: Gucci

Thanks to Milady Mariah for this one.

I’ll admit, I’m a leg guy so…..yum.


Found Femdom (or just male sub): Frankie Morelle

OK, It’s more like Found Submale, yet it’s still a hint of D/s.

Thanks to Downtownladybug for emailing it to me:)

I’m still trying to figure out some sort of prize to those who email their found femdom pics.
