Found Femdom

Found Femdom: Wonder Woman


Yet another find by a fine reader.

I wish I knew what issue this was from, it would help in knowing the context. Now that I think of it, it’s probably better not knowing the context.


A friend sent this to me earlier today.  I can’t help but think..ok hope that this is fake but yet another part of me thinks it’s something that was once left on the cutting room floor of some GOP thinktank.

On a related note. Do you think Jesus is pissed that Satan gets all the hot ones?


Found Femdom: Open Minded

Once again thanks to Aarkey for sending more Found Femdom my way.

This comes from photographer Gui Paganini in a set called Open Minded

Now I know I’m going to get an email from someone saying it’s not 100% “Femdom” because there are some images where there isn’t a woman in a dominant position.  As you may guess I don’t put that much thought into it.

Found Femdom: Dance Off

Thank to Aarkey for passing along this Found Femdom find.

The caption reads:

Once upon a dance. A fearless instructor and her devoted pupil Jeté, Plié and Fouetté through the history of modern movement.

I have no idea what any of that means.

Found Femdom At The Met

The intrepid blog reader Leah shot me an email with some Found Femdom she stumbled upon:

“I was at the Met the other day and stumbled across this awesome statue of Aristotle and Phyllis engaging in what looks a lot like pony play:


According to the description, “Aristotle, the Greek philosopher and tutor of Alexander the Great, allowed himself to be humiliated by the seductive Phyllis as a lesson to the young ruler, who had succumbed to her wiles and neglected the affairs of state. Encouraging Alexander to witness his folly, Aristotle explained that if he, an old man, could be so easily deceived, the potential consequences for a young man were even more perilous.”

I’m reading this as “Ancient Greek humiliation kink”.”